Recent publications

Katastrofa promu kosmicznego Columbia, sprzed 20 lat. Zestawienie z najnowszymi danymi i raportami dotyczącymi przywództwa i kultury
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Lessons from the Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster. Recent data (2024) on leadership and organizational culture juxtaposed with tragic events (2003).

I gathered the most recent data (2024) on leadership and organizational culture and juxtaposed it with the tragic events (2003) of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. I wanted to see how today's leaders and modern organizational culture compare to what NASA faced more than 20 years ago. As you delve into the details of this tragedy and juxtapose them with the latest data, you will see that the Columbia disaster is not just a story about technical failures, but more importantly about human decisions, communication and organizational culture. These elements were critical to the course of events, and their absence or erosion can lead to similar situations in any organization.
Przywództwo służebne
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Servant leadership. How does being a leader mean serving others?

When we say that being a leader is the gift of serving others, we reverse the traditional perception of leadership as power or domination. Instead, we can emphasize that it is about caring for, supporting, and guiding others in ways that enable them to grow and achieve their goals.
Kryzys w branży IT
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Recession and crisis in the IT industry: 7 months of interviews with 50 managers from Europe and the USA – a subjective view

Over the course of seven months, I conducted more than 50 interviews with top-level managers, mainly CEO (chief executive officer), CTO (chief technology officer), CFO (chief financial officer), COO (chief operating officer) and CIO (chief innovation/IT officer), from countries such as Poland, the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States and Sweden. These meetings gave me the opportunity to hear a variety of perspectives on the onset of the crisis in the markets, especially in the IT and high-tech industry, and to learn about the current situation in companies. The following transcripts are based on these reflections and the data collected.
Konstruktywny feedback
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People who really know us and who care about us can speak the hard and raw truth – the thing about constructive feedback

In relationships with other people, especially those closest to us, we often encounter situations where their words seem hurtful. Honesty that is perceived as unfair and harsh can be difficult to accept and is therefore automatically rejected. However, only people who know the other person well and care about his or her wellbeing are able to make comments that are difficult to hear but necessary for his or her development. Provided, of course, that they do so with empathy, respect, reverence and sincerity.
Światowy dzień chorych na Hemofilię
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Each of us has our own Haemophilia

I think we all have our own 'haemophilia' in life - an obstacle that seems insurmountable. But it is how we respond to this challenge that determines where we ultimately go.
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Invest in people

I wanted to share with you photos from our long and much-anticipated holiday integration. Anticipated, especially since we…