The following books are free. I do this because I have always enjoyed sharing knowledge and experience. I also believe that education and access to information are crucial to the development of society, so I want to make them available to everyone, regardless of their financial situation.
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Leadership in the Age of AI.
A handbook for leaders on managing crisis in the era of generative machines.
In a world of dynamic technological change, leaders face unprecedented challenges. Leadership in the Age of AI is a mini-book for business leaders, technology professionals, and innovation enthusiasts to help them manage crises and build organizational resilience.
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Understanding Cybersecurity.
Data, Reports and Analysis.
The data presented in the book maps the threat landscape and shows how dramatically it has changed in recent years. Virtually every public and private sector is under constant attack from hackers seeking to steal data, ransom money, or disrupt organizations or governments.
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Entrepreneur’s Handbook.
How to test tour ideas and create Minimum Viable Products (MVPs).
An e-book will help you save money and learn how to turn your business idea into reality. Both at the beginning of your journey and when implementing new solutions in an existing business. You can apply the methodology described in the Entrepreneur’s Mini-Handbook to various industries and technologies.
If you find the content of this publication valuable and also want to do something good, please donate 1.5% of your tax or contribute any amount of money (for charitable purposes) to the account of the Polish Society of Hemophilia Patients (PSCH).
All members of the Association work for it pro bono and the funds are used for statutory activities related to helping people suffering from hemophilia (it is a serious and rare disease characterized by blood clotting disorders, which affects 1 in 10,000 children born) and other hemorrhagic diathesis. PSCH’s activities include: ensuring the availability of treatment in Poland, providing support to people with the disease, organizing rehabilitation camps and trips, purchasing rehabilitation equipment for hospitals, organizing educational workshops for patients, and publishing publications on hemophilia and other bleeding disorders.
Details can be found below.
Polish Association of Hemophilia Patients
KRS: 0000169422
I. Gandhi 14 Street
02-776 Warsaw
Account number: PL 06 2030 0045 1110 0000 0245 3030