– “Do you know what I do at 2:00 in the morning?” – I received such a text message from a good friend a week ago.
– “I’m reading your book and I found exactly what I was looking for!”
It turned out to be my first publication, written many years ago – “The Entrepreneur’s Handbook. How to Test Your Ideas and Create Minimally Ready Products.” In the book, I described how to validate a business idea in just a few days. I emphasized that the MVP (minimal viable product) concept doesn’t just apply to digital products-it can be applied to almost any industry.
The next messages were even more surprising🙌:
– “I found inspiration and direction in your book.” – wrote Bernadette (because she is the main character in this story).
– “You described a product that made it possible to overcome the fear of public speaking. In my career, I have helped even foreign students overcome this fear. I discovered a new niche – express public speaking training. You know what’s interesting? I even offer funeral speeches! I know the market, I have a facility in a great location, and at night I wrote a business plan. This morning I started to create my MVP – the premises, which is the key element of the whole business. Now I’m just looking for a good name”.
I couldn’t stop smiling after reading this news. My friend, through inspiration, began to turn the idea into reality, and I have the great honor of watching her project grow 🤩.
Over the next few days, I received photos of the progress and many reflections. And yesterday I received another message, this time with a photo of the finished “product”:
– “This is the final version of the task room,” – she wrote enthusiastically.
– “I also had my first customer today.” 🎉
When I get messages like this, I feel it’s worth writing, sharing knowledge and inspiring others. It’s amazing how an impulse can change someone’s life and the power of quickly validated ideas.
Bernadetta – my fingers are crossed for the continued development of your business.
If you would like to read any of my books, they are all available for free here.
An interesting example of how the right motivation can lead to success. Great that you shared such a story! I can’t help but keep my fingers crossed for your friend’s busines
Thank you!
Reading this makes me want to start working on my own MVP. Thanks for the motivation. I like your long texts and articles, but I also like that you started to transfer your thoughts here.
Thank you!